What Is a Landlord Rescue Service?

What Is a Landlord Rescue Service?

Being a landlord in the era of COVID-19 is no easy feat. Now more than ever, tenants are choosing not to pay their rent and letting properties go to ruins.

If you're dealing with nightmare tenants and need a way out, a landlord rescue service may be exactly what you need. What is a landlord rescue service?

In this post, we'll be defining what this service is and how it can help you reclaim your property.

What Is a Landlord Rescue Service?

A landlord rescue program is a service offered by property management companies to help landlords reclaim their property from problematic tenants. These services can help collect past-due rent, evict a tenant, cover repairs, and more.

Past-Due Rent Collection

Perhaps the most frustrating part of having an illegal tenant is their refusal to pay rent. Because of the COVID-19 global pandemic, renters have felt emboldened to not pay a dime. This has left many landlords with the sole financial responsibility of maintaining their property.

With landlord rescue services it's possible to get the rent you are owed back. The right property management company will seek every legal avenue to recover past-due rent and prevent any future late payments. Even if only a partial payment is recovered that is better than a complete loss of what is owed.

Evicting Problematic Tenants

When a tenant completely fails to pay their rent, eviction is the final option. The last thing any landlord wants is to be forced to evict a tenant. This is because there are many rules and regulations that protect tenants from eviction, even if they are causing major issues on the property.

If you're not well-versed in how eviction laws work then you may never be able to reclaim your property. Landlord rescue services handle the dirty work of eviction for you. 

Covering Repairs

Once your problem tenants are gone it's time to replace them with better, more reliable tenants. Before that, however, any damages caused by previous tenants must be repaired. Let's understand why.

The damage caused by illegal tenants is costly and can put your property at risk of a code violation. If you have already lost money from tenants refusing to pay rent there is no reason to have to pay additional fines for their negligence.

Landlord rescue services will save you from these unnecessary costs by restoring your property to walkthrough condition. All repairs, maintenance, and inspections get taken care of by property managers. This ensures that you can rent to your next tenants worry-free and without a hitch.

Consider Landlord Rescue Services Today

If you're a landlord and have been suffering from bad tenants, there is hope. With the question "What is a landlord rescue service?" answered, you can take action. Landlord rescue services will help you recover the losses you have suffered and get your property back on the market.

Are you a property owner in need of property management services? We're here to help, contact our Philadelphia property management today!

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